Does your business need some help with bookkeeping or payroll?

9 September 2019

The last couple of years have got busier and busier for us.  Lots of new enquiries, lots of new clients and lots of one-off Xero training but with MTD looming I decided at the beginning of this year we would not take on any new clients for a few months.  As lovely as it is to receive new enquiries and to work with new businesses I didn't want our time to be spent sorting out new clients at the expense of our current clients.  Our clients are really important to us and I never want them to feel that their work is taking a back seat and I definitely wouldn't want us to miss filing a VAT return on time.  I also wanted time to prepare for MTD for the clients we had and not to spend our time dealing with businesses who had left planning for MTD until the last minute.  

It was hard turning away potential work especially when I knew they really needed some help, but if we don't have the capacity to take on new work it is neither fair to the established clients or the new client, and it definitely isn't worth putting additional pressure on team members.


Having successfully tackled MTD, which went much more smoothly than expected, and now knowing that Reverse Charge VAT for the construction industry is delayed for 12 months our team have some capacity to take on some new businesses who need hep with their bookkeeping or payroll. 

I feel that the most important aspect of what we provide to our clients is the relationship they have with us.  We want to build a relationship with them, to feel part of their business and for them to feel that they can discuss things with us just as they would if we were in their office.  The relationship is just as important as keeping accurate accounts and whilst technology is all about automation and doing things as quickly as possible, having time to understand a client's business is key.  We recommend and use Xero because it gives our clients' visibility of their accounts if they want it but many are just happy to receive regular management reports or have a telephone or face to face meeting from time to time.  

I run a business myself with employees so I understand the needs of small businesses and how important accurate finances are.

So if you are looking for a bookkeeper who listens to you and helps you to achieve what your business needs then we could be what you are looking for!  

Or if you would like someone to take over the responsibility of getting your payroll or auto enrolment done we can help with that too.

Meet our bookkeeping and payroll team.