It can be confusing to know what you can claim back VAT on when someone who does work for you recharges you for some of their costs. This article explains how to work out when you can recover VAT and when you are not able to.
Businesses which import goods for business use have been able to use Postponed VAT Accounting since January 2021. Postponed VAT Accounting enables you to both declare and recover VAT on the same VAT return instead of
When you first become VAT registered you can choose which VAT scheme to use when reporting VAT. Whilst you can change this at a later date HMRC would not want you to keep changing from one scheme to another.
HMRC have produced clear guidance on what individuals and businesses will need to do when we have left the EU on 1 January 2021. There is an HMRC tool to use which will give specific information for your own personal or business circumstances which c…
Businesses who deferred their VAT payment which was due to be paid between 20 March and 30 June now have 3 options for payment.