If you are in business you need to keep a record of your income and expenditure and whilst you know what you are selling, receipts or invoices from the businesses you buy from are evidence of what you have bought.
If you are making an income on your own by selling a product or a service and you have not registered as a limited company you are a sole trader. A sole trader runs their own business and therefore is self employed and, as a self employed person,
Some accountants now offer bookkeeping services alongside accountancy and other compliance services. A one stop shop for all your accounts needs. But is this the best solution for your business?
April is the start of the new tax year for many businesses and if you are considering changing how you keep your accounts the start of your new financial year is the best time to do it.
Bookkeeping is interesting, challenging and rewarding. A bookkeeper has responsibility for all accounting functions from sales invoicing through to management accounts and VAT returns and is therefore fully involved with the finance function of a bu…