Some businesses have always added a surcharge to cover the cost of the fees charged to them by the companies who process debit and credit card transactions but from 13th January 2018 they are no longer allowed to add a charge to payments they take by…
If you want to expand your business you need people to support you as there is no way you can do everything yourself. But it seems that business owners are reluctant to employ anyone and would rather use an associate or a consultant than commit…
Before you start your business you need to decide whether you will be a Sole Trader or a Limited Company. Or you may choose to be a Partnership rather than a Limited Company if there are two or more business owners. It can be confusing an…
I have been providing bookkeeping services to individuals and businesses for more than 14 years now and one of the biggest surprises to me in the first few years was to be told that I was a good bookkeeper. I was surprised because shouldn't…
Businesses should have a separate bank account for their business transactions as it will make preparing their accounts so much easier. Trying to extract business income and costs from a personal account takes a lot more time and if you needed to pro…