There can't be many employers who aren't aware of the living wage rate which comes into effect from 6th April 2016. Increasing the minimum wage for employees aged 25 and over from £6.70 per hour to £7.20 per hour this will be a sig…
What a fantastic month February has been for our business. A trip to Westminster to talk to MPs about auto enrolment, a new employee, a promotion for one of our team and now confirmation that we have achieved the Standard for Investors in People hav…
I was very privileged last week to be invited by John Glen MP to attend the Department for Work and Pensions Select Committee to provide an insight into how auto enrolment is affecting small businesses. The DWP Select Committee launched an inquiry i…
As a growing business building our team to support other businesses is one of the pleasures of being a business owner. You get to choose who becomes part of your team and that is a fantastic opportunity. I have not had experience of recruiting befo…
All businesses who employ staff will be aware from the adverts on television, the articles in the press, editorials online and the information letters they will have received from The Pension Regulator that they cannot ignore Pension Auto Enrolment.&…